Monday, June 15, 2020

Localization and Translation in Advertising Research - 275 Words

Localization and Translation in Advertising Research (Research Paper Sample) Content: Localization and Translation in AdvertisingLocalization can be defined as adaptation of the socio-cultural, economic, legal and political traits of particular group of people within a certain location and subsequently modify the advertisement of the product accordingly. There are various ways in which localization is done. One of them is through translation of the language of advertisement to local to fit the local context. Localization is based on the general assumption that the diversities of cultures, beliefs, political, legal and religious systems throughout the world influence how people perceive an advertisement (Sandrini, 2008).Translation of language used in advertisement is one of the major ways of localizing advertising. For instance, an advertisement made in English can only be understood in English-speaking countries. Using the same advertisement in Chinese speaking country may not be well received or understood by the intended market. Translation of the i nitial language used in advertisement to locally used language will not only enable people to understand the message; but also reflect other cultural aspects associated with usage of particular words or phrases in their language. It is a common fact that different languages have their own unique forms of usage, which only apply to that locale. Some languages have multiple dialects which have different meanings based on cultural and geographical variance.Localization and translation of advertising should always be done in manner which does not change the initial intended message. While altering the aspects of language through localization and translation, the advertisement must make sure that the primarily known elements of the company such as logos, name and colors remain the same. Other than translating the language, altering the advertisement to appeal certain emotional traits within a particular group of people can be used. Localization provides an opportunity to gain a wider mar ket margin than the existing. Putting into consideration the appeals, preferences and tastes of different people, and using such information to create an advertisement which will be relevant to them, the impact of the advertisement will be much greater; subsequently yielding better results (Malik, Ghafoor, Iqbal et el, 2013).On the other hand, using a standard form of advisement tends to limit the market margin. This is due to the fact that culture, practices and other elements of the society play a vital role in influencing perception of people toward certain products or services. Localization in modern is not limited to mainstream media; in contrary, venues such as social media are even more impactful and convenient. This paper will bring out analytical discussion and outline how localization and translation should be done, factors to be considered and importance of the same.Factors to consider in Localization of AdvertisingSeveral factors need to be considered when translating t he advertisement language to fit the context of the locals. The same applies to other forms of localization of products. Generally, the world is made up of different cultures, political ideologies, legal frameworks, religious beliefs and economic diversities. These are the factors which are integral to most people and any advisement targeting a particular group must comply with the locals taste and preferences vis--vis the aforementioned factors. There are many cases whereby multinational companies failed to conform to these factors and what resulted was misinterpretation of the message by the intended audience. In some cases, such advertisements received public outcry due to the words used and massage conveyed. Some of these factors are (Kanso Nelson, 2002): * The social and cultural componentsThe world is made of different social groups. The fabrics holding these societies range from religious beliefs, cultural practices and customs among many others. Global advertisement must pu t this into consideration. It is always vital to understand the cultures and practices within the intended locale. Failure to consider these factors can lead to culture backlash; which will undoubtedly ruin the market of the products or services advertised. Some multinationals have experienced the negative results of failing to localize their products through consideration of the cultural aspects of the people. For instance, usage of phrases which are deemed to be derogatory in particular locale may detriment the overall perception towards that good or product advertised.Language being a major channel of advertising, needs to be subjected to rigorous localization to fit the locales context and avoid or minimize chances of misstatements and misinterpretation. Society being dynamic in nature, and always changing, advertisement must put into consideration such kind of changes.Cultural aspects can be highly emotive. For instance, religion is a sensitive issue in most societies. Advertis ement made for certain locale ought to consider religious elements of such particular area. Any real or perceived disrespect towards the ways of life of the intended market can adversely affect the overall achievements of the advertisement. In some cultures, usage of certain language in reference of divinity is considered sacred. Localization of advertisement needs to consider such diversities. In addition, the main reason why it is good to localize advertisement is to avoid such conflicts. However, trying to impress or fit into expectations of every person within a particular locale may be futile. This does not mean that it is not possible to produce advertisement that will be widely acceptable. The most common and convenient way of ensuring that the advertisement does not infringe the religious aspects within particular locale is to localize the advertisement through globalization. This means using widely accepted forms of language, emotional aspects or principles which are recogn ized and acknowledge by a larger number of people. Another way is to be vague on matters which are highly emotive. This is crucial when the targeted locale is made up of people who subscribe to different beliefs and ideologies; precisely within the context of religion. * Political and Legal ComponentsLocalization of advertisement must always consider political and legal components of particular locale. These are the most basic entails of successful advertisement. The social structures are intertwined with political and legal frameworks; and while localizing the advertisement, it is important to consider the impact which it can cause, as far as legality and political correctness in concerned. A research should always be conducted to determine the general political and legal environment of such locale.Political components are more or less like the social and cultural. They influence the general perception of the people within that locale. A good advertisement must be able to fit into the mainstream context; or avoid any association which may cause conflict with the people within that locale. Most societies are polarized by their political diversities. Localization of advertisement ought to put this into consideration through ensuring that it does not cause political conflicts among the locales. There are numerous examples whereby advertisements failed to capture the prevailing political elements within the society. The effects of this became catastrophic to not only the sales of the advertised goods or services.Legal components are also important. While advertising, it is crucial to preview the legal framework of the intended locale. Through localization, advertisement can be fitted into the context of regulations and laws governing the people within that area. This will not only be essential while advertising, but also when selling the advertised product in that market. There are numerous cases whereby the multinational companies failed to consider the aspect o f laws and regulations; leading to incurrence criminal liabilities. The reason why localization needs to emphasis on the legality of advertisement is due to consequences which can bring to the product and services advertised and also the company. From consulting with the legal framework of particular locale, a company intending to market their products will ensure that they are dealing with legally accepted product or services and at the same time advertising the same as per the laws and regulations of that jurisdiction. * Economic ComponentsThe economic factor in localization of advertisement cannot be ignored. Different locales throughout the word comprise of economic diversities which influences their views on particular products or services. While localizing advertisements, it is important to consider this aspect. For instance, most countries have two set of populations; the urban based and rural-based. These two categories of people have different economic practices. Those who are based in rural areas are likely to be involved in agriculture-based economy while those who are living in urban areas have diversified economy. Localization of advertising needs to consider how a product or service can be advertised to the two groups and at the same time maintain the primary goal of the advertisement. Localization from economic perspective ought to consider all factors of productions such as labor, capital, land and entrepreneurship. In a wider consideration, it is also important to research on economic power of the intended audience t. For instance, advertising a product to a middle class group of people should be different from lower class or upper class. The argument behind this hypothesis is that their reactions vary depending on their ability to afford the products or services advertised.Economic component includes policies which have been put in place by the government to regulate the economy. L...

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